

Beginning January 2023, we are collaborating with Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Woburn. The first Sunday of the month we will worship together at 60 Forest Park Road
Woburn, MA 01801. The second Sunday of the month we will worship together here in Malden, and the remaining Sundays we will worship separately.

All worship services are on Sunday mornings at 9:30am
Online and In Person

Photo by Leeloo Thefirst on Pexels.com

What to Expect

You’ll be warmly greeted at the door and given a printed bulletin with the order of service. Hymns can be found in the red hymnal (with occasional extra songs in the bulletin). People dress both casually and in their Sunday best; morning people arrive early and others late with coffee. Music is spirited! We invite you to participate as you wish: to rise in body or in spirit if standing is difficult, pray and sing as you are led, ask questions of your neighbors if you have them!

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com


All are welcome: baptized and not, certain or doubtful. Wine and grape juice and gluten free options all available. If you prefer, you may receive a blessing instead of receiving the Eucharist.

Children in Worship

Children of all ages and volumes are welcome in worship, as we believe children learn by seeing, hearing, and participating as they are able in the service. No formal childcare is available; however, there is a nursery and changing table downstairs in the vestry.


Join on Zoom virtually every Sunday at 9:30am, worship on Facebook, or call in from your phone at +1 646 558 8656 US (East Coast), Meeting ID: 473 664 069. Contact the church office for the Zoom password.

After worship

Following worship, we gather for a time of fellowship with one another. The first Sunday of every month members provide coffee and treats to share. Some linger to visit with many people; others go home quickly. Participate as you choose.


The sanctuary is reached by going up several stairs with a handrail. Unfortunately, our building currently has no ramp, chair lift, or elevator. While scripture and sermons are projected with a microphone, at this time we have no assistive hearing devices. Please contact the office if you have questions about accessibility.